From Student to Billion-Dollar Entrepreneur | Sushil on Startup, College Life, Love Life, Breakup

Shankhadip Mandal

Shankhadip Mandal

· 4 min read

On the Education System and Entrepreneurship:

Many believe that the current education system fails to cultivate future entrepreneurs. When asked for his opinion, Mr. Sushil remarked, “I feel that we haven’t traditionally encouraged our children to become entrepreneurs. The mindset has often been to study and secure a job. However, this is changing today. There are many platforms and government initiatives that promote entrepreneurship among the youth. Now, people are starting to study entrepreneurship as a subject.”

Is a Business Degree Necessary?

When asked whether degrees like BBA are essential before starting a business, Mr. Sushil shared an interesting perspective: “Many successful entrepreneurs don’t have formal degrees in business, including myself. I didn’t specifically study entrepreneurship, yet I ventured into it. Today’s youth have more resources and knowledge available to them, which is a significant advantage.”

On Pune University’s Role in Shaping Entrepreneurs:

Mr. Sushil completed his studies at Pune University, which has a notable track record of producing successful CEOs, with 25% of CEOs being alumni. When asked what makes Pune University so special, Mr. Sushil expressed, “I still enjoy visiting Pune University. The spirit of the people there contributes to the remarkable success of its alumni.”

Personal Insights: Relationships and Challenges:

In a lighter moment, Mr. Sushil shared that he met his first girlfriend during his second year at university, and they have been happily married for 24 years. When asked if relationships matter, he said, “Yes, they do. During tough times, the support of your close ones is invaluable.”

The Birth of FoodWrap :

FoodWrap is a trading company that distributes bakeable products across India. Reflecting on his journey, Mr. Sushil recalled the uncertainty he faced at the beginning. “When I started, I wasn’t sure whether to stick to a job or start my own company. The first three months were tough, but my family stood by me. Today, we are doing well, and I’m grateful.”

Defining an Entrepreneur:

When asked about the meaning of entrepreneurship, Mr. Sushil answered, “An entrepreneur is someone who creates jobs. I don’t just have nine employees; I’m responsible for nine families, and I feel grateful for that.”

Leaving the Comfort Zone:

Despite being in a good position, Mr. Sushil decided to leave his job and start his own company. “I was inspired by small companies making it big, and I thought, ‘Why not me?’ That decision has led to a fulfilling journey,” he said. He also spoke about how some people prefer to stay in their comfort zones rather than embrace the hustle culture, citing an example of a former employee who left due to the demanding work environment.

Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs:

When asked whether young entrepreneurs should bootstrap or seek funding, Mr. Sushil emphasized that vision is key. “You must be focused, ambitious, and have a unique idea. You can start at any age, but you need to be reliable,” he advised.

The Unique Idea Behind FoodWrap:

Mr. Sushil shared that his journey began with a vision and motivation he had even during his previous job. His uniqueness and dedication eventually led him to work with an Italian company and be recognized by banks, including being nominated for Shark Tank India.

Final Advice to the Youth:

In closing, Mr. Sushil offered this advice to young people: “Be grateful to your parents, respect society, and stay positive.”

To learn more, watch the full video on our channel. Also, check out the book Standout from the Crowd by our CEO, Aryan Gupta, available on both Amazon and Flipkart.

Thank you!

Shankhadip Mandal

About Shankhadip Mandal

Social Media Manger Content Writer @JourneyStory

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