Harsh Truth of Cyberattacks | Co-founder of @quickheal on Cyber Crimes, Frauds, and Data Hacking|JS

Shankhadip Mandal

Shankhadip Mandal

· 6 min read

Dive deep into the world of cyber security with Mr. Sanjay Katkar, the visionary behind Quick Heal. Discover how a college experiment evolved into a leading platform protecting millions. From the origins of antivirus software to tips on staying safe in today’s digital world, this episode is packed with insights and inspiring entrepreneurial wisdom.

So, you must have heard about people installing antivirus and anti-theft software on their devices. Why do they do that? Well, it’s to protect their devices from viruses or data theft. These all fall under cyber security. Today, we have Mr. Sanjay Katkar, the CEO of Quick Heal, a leading cyber security platform.

According to Mr. Katkar, what exactly is cyber security?

In the past, computers were often attacked by viruses or worms, and antiviruses were used to protect them. Different types of PCs, whether personal or work-related, require different kinds of protection. Over the years, new types of cyber threats have emerged, and protection against these threats is what we call cyber security.

Now, how do antiviruses work, and why is there a need for antivirus software even if we already have Windows Defender?

Microsoft’s main feature is to protect its operating system. However, threats are not limited to the OS; we use various apps and websites that expose us to risks like phishing, where attackers can gain access to our cameras and microphones. We need different applications to protect against these diverse threats.

How did the idea of Quick Heal come into being?

During his college years studying for his B.Sc., Mr. Katkar noticed many computers in the labs were not working due to viruses. At that time, around 1990, people were not familiar with viruses and often considered them hardware problems. This misunderstanding, combined with his brother’s experience running a computer repair store, led Mr. Katkar to research software and viruses extensively. Using his knowledge, he began fixing various software problems and developed several antiviruses using the C programming language. By the time he graduated, he had created multiple antivirus solutions. During his master’s studies, he and his brother decided to focus on antivirus development as a product instead of pursuing traditional jobs. By 1994, he had developed a comprehensive suite of antiviruses.

There are some not-so-positive reviews about Quick Heal on Quora. What does Mr. Katkar think about that?

He acknowledges that new types of viruses emerge every day. Quick Heal works continuously and globally to address these threats. While some testing organizations may not reflect this in their tests, they test over a longer period. Quick Heal was recognized as one of the best antivirus platforms in 2021, and in India, 90% of users rely on it. Mr. Katkar is proud that Quick Heal continues to evolve in this competitive field.

How does AI affect cyber security?

The antivirus industry has been using AI for over five years. AI automates many tasks, recognizing problems and providing solutions accordingly. However, hackers also use AI to enhance their phishing attacks.

Many Chinese apps are banned in our country. Do they have something to do with cyber security?

The Indian government requires certain data from the servers of some applications. If these requests are refused, the government may ban the apps. Even today, no country is 100% secure in cyber security, with Microsoft experiencing the highest number of cyber-attacks.

What is the future of cyber security in India?

Mr. Katkar believes that anything smart in today’s world is hackable. With few experts in the field, there is a lot of scope for growth. However, staying updated with the latest news, tools, and technology is crucial. In 1995, we didn’t have as many resources as we do now.

So, how did Mr. Katkar start Quick Heal?

After completing his master’s, he joined his brother in his hardware shop while working on virus problems. As technology and virus threats grew, he began hiring people. The initial funding came from earnings through the hardware shop. At that time, there was a shortage of developers, so he had to hire small developers. Mr. Katkar emphasizes the importance of focusing on what your company offers to people. In 1996, they developed the continuous update feature, which contributed to Quick Heal’s success.

How did they raise their first funding?

Initially, they sought a cash credit line from a bank, which was rejected. They then developed a network of distributors and, after achieving good sales across India, secure capital approached them and assisted significantly, even helping them enter the US market.

How can one stay safe from cyber threats?

Firstly, be alert and don’t blindly trust everything online. Always verify multiple times and conduct thorough research.

Is funding necessary for a startup?

Mr. Katkar says it depends entirely on the startup and offers valuable advice on this topic. One book he recommends to the audience is ‘Diamonds from the Dust,’ which provides insights into entrepreneurship.

Watch the whole podcast for more details on our YouTube channel. Also, check out ‘Stand Out from the Crowd‘ written by our CEO, Aryan Gupta. Thank you.

Shankhadip Mandal

About Shankhadip Mandal

Social Media Manger Content Writer @JourneyStory

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